DIG PAC is dedicated to supporting the economic development and infrastructure construction of its community by assisting local policy makers to influence State and Federal officials. With our expertise and collaborative approach, we empower local leaders to create lasting positive change.
What is DIG PAC?
Improving the Transportation Infrastructure
Driving DeSoto represents Mississippians, businesses of all sizes, commuters, and community organizations who have had enough of sitting in traffic that is constantly ranked one of the worst in the state. We are joining together to ensure that Mississippi elected officials and decision makers understand how important this project is and how much community support it has.

Driving DeSoto’s Mission
To create a grassroots organization dedicated to supporting real solutions to solve our highway infrastructure crisis. We are bringing together leaders from the business community, public officials and individual communities leaders to help us take our message to the leadership in Jackson and Washington.
Our mission is clear – to ensure a plan is created that widens the main entry points into DeSoto County. We will make sure this plan is successfully implemented, constructed, and made available to citizens and commuters as soon as possible to help ensure we keep our economic and population growth in the state.

Improving the Sewer Infrastructure
Johnson Creek Waste Water Facility
Hwy 305 Pump Station
Short Fork Waste Water Treatment Facility
Byhalia Road Pump Station
Ross Road Waste Water Treatment Facility
Pleasant Hill Pump Station
DIG PAC is a DeSoto County focused Political Action Committee that is dedicated to supporting the economic development and infrastructure construction of its community. We do this by assisting local policy makers in their efforts to influence State and Federal officials in favor of DeSoto County’s economic development and infrastructure requests.
In politics, money has a significant impact on influence, much like water for crops. Although votes and voters are critical to politicians, many of the politicians who could assist DeSoto County are not affected by its votes. In such instances, DeSoto County requires a strategy for cultivating relationships and gaining influence with policy and decision-makers who can help with the region's economic development and infrastructure requests. DIG PAC's funding aims to fill this void. This is an established approach inspired by similar PACs in Lee County and Madison County that have successfully secured past funding.
Working in tandem with local elected officials, DIG PAC strives to encourage State & Federal officials to support DeSoto County’s Economic Development and Infrastructure requests through targeted campaigns, including campaign contributions, ad campaigns, and direct mail. Our aim is to be a valuable resource to DeSoto County’s Mayors, Supervisors, Aldermen, Senators & House members in achieving their goals for the county.
DIG PAC does not involve itself in local, DeSoto County elections. DIG PAC does not determine the outcome of any elections.
DIG PAC is looking to add members that are concerned about DeSoto County’s growth and economic development. Members will be able to attend our PAC events like golf tournaments, clay shoots, and period meetings with policy makers. These periodic meetings with State and Federal policy makers will be a time for our PAC to provide input as to how our requests are necessary to the success of both DeSoto County and the State of Mississippi. PAC members are asked to donate $1,000 per year to the PAC’s mission and help us in our lobbying efforts in Jackson and Washington DC.
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